Slide Presentation from MDUSD Special Education Meeting
The Mt. Diablo School District held a meeting, Tuesday May 29th for parents who have children that receive special education services in their district. There are many changes happening in the Fall and staff will be providing parents with pertinent information.
Topics that were discussed discussed include:
Middle School Services including Collaborative/SDC Changes
Transportation Changes
AAC/Assistive Technology Assessment Timelines
Autism Specific Classroom Update
Update on FCMAT Studies (Transportation and Special Education)
Please view the slide presentation that was given at the meeting by clicking on the link. Slide Presentation
parent from Pine Hollow Middle thanked us via email.
At the risk of sounding really ignorant, what does AAC stand for?
I was not able to attend the meeting.
Resource Specialist
AAC stands for Augmenative and Assistive Communication - Any technology that is used to support communication for a student who has language disabilities.
AT stands for Assistive Technology - It refers to any device or technology that makes curriculum accessible to the student.
Reader emailed this question:
When can we expect to see some of the answers to parent questions from Tuesday's meeting?
Thank you.
I just called the parent liaison to find out if she could give me an approximate date and she was unavailable. As soon as we have them we will post them.
Thank you for your concern for our kids!
I spoke to Hilary, parent liaison, she will check in with Carolyn Patton next week and will be able to answer this question.
Reader's email read:
'm just trying to keep in mind that next Friday is the last day of school. If some parents want to request IEP meetings because they disagree with the placement decision from the district, it will be impossible to get them scheduled because school site and district staff will be gone for the summer. This is an issue as the "Projection Letters" aren't due to be mailed until June 8th or so. This leaves very little time for the district to adequately address the concerns of parents and schedule IEPs as appropriate. I am not understanding how this meets the district's obligation for Prior written notice. Further, if parents disagree with placement, they may not have the ability to leave their student in the former placement until an IEP meeting is held because the former placement may no longer exist. I am questioning if this was a strategic decision by the district, at least in regards to the timing of these changes.
The Special Education Department plans on posting some of the Question and Answers from the meeting on Tuesday May 29th the week of June 18th.
Questions have posted!
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