Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Can Students with Learning Disabilities Learn How to Learn?

Many middle school and high school students with reading disabilities have difficulty understanding their textbooks and succeeding on assignments. Reasons for their difficulties include:

Their inability to understand the demands of the task

Instruction devoted solely to the mastery of subject materials, such as a social studies chapter.

The last reason is certainly not the fault of subject matter teachers; often, they lack the time needed to cover the reams of material for which they’re responsible. Many of them think they have no time to teach children how to read for understanding. Certainly, they have no time to teach students with learning disabilities the higher order thinking skills needed for reading comprehension, such as identifying, explaining, and supporting their interpretations of what they’ve read. Sadly, this focus on content alone often condemns students with reading and other learning disabilities to ongoing failure.

Read By Dr. Gary G. Brannigan and Dr. Howard Margolis Special Education Advisor article HERE.

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