Friday, March 26, 2010

Buddy Play

Buddy Play promotes natural interaction and learning between kids with special needs and their typical peers. Seeing the need for more social, inclusion opportunities for kids with special needs and their typically developing peers, Bernadette Fatehi started Buddy Play in 2007.

It is natural for children to learn from each other. Younger siblings have always aspired to do and be like their older brothers or sisters. Likewise, when any child is with a group of peers, he or she will have an opportunity to mimic or practice behaviors and skills that they will use throughout life. It is my opinion that any time children with special needs and “typical” children come together as one group, both sides can learn a great deal from each other! ~Bernadette Fatehi

For more information on Buddy Play contact:
Bernadette Fatehi

Buddy Play is officially supported by the non-profit "Down Syndrome Connection of the Bay Area."

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