Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Get to Know MDUSD's Assistant Superintendent Special Education/Student Services, Mildred Browne Ed.D.

1. Please briefly describe your job and responsibilities?

Dr. Browne keeps herself extremely busy as administrative support for special education, section 504 and student services. These three areas encompasses health, nursing services, occupational therapy, physical therapy, psychological services, physical therapy, discipline, inter/intradistrict transfers and much, much more.

2. What inspired you to work in this profession?

Dr. Browne started out as a public education school counselor and then became a school psychologist. Eventually Dr. Browne stated she was recruited in administrative positions and was intrigued by program development and oversight of programs that serve students. “My daughter is dysgraphic and as we mad our journey through accommodations and modifications in school I was able to fine tune my interests.” This led Dr. Browne to be recruited and accept her current role at Mt. Diablo Unified School district as Assistant Superintendent of Special Education and Student Services.

3. What is your professional goal?

Professionally her goal is to continue to develop programs to support students, particularly in areas of Emotional Disturbance and Autism because she says “these two critical areas are really difficult for teachers in regular classes. If we continue to develop and enhance supports so we are better able to meet their needs in a regular setting if possible or a specialized setting on a comprehensive campus, isolation is not something these two critical groups need.”

4. What do you like best about your job?

Dr. Browne likes best about her job that she sees she makes a difference in students’ lives, even if it is only student by student. She feels it is not direct, but sees it based on assessing programs that she provides support and administration to on a daily basis and these programs make a difference.

5. If you could change anything about your job/services you provide, what would it be?

Dr. Browne has the big picture in mind for this question. She would like to have more time in a day, because the amount of work, time and energy her job requires would benefit from a way to get more time out of the 24 hours. Also, Dr. Browne stated, “If there could be a way of looking systemically to make programs more cost effective.” Dr. Browne did mention the feeling that the MGT study may help with developing additional cost effective ways to deliver services and has felt that way at SELPA meetings.

6. When you aren’t busy at work what do you like to do with your free time?

When Dr. Browne is not busy at work she says she likes to “work at home”. For recreation she likes to ride a bike, cook, she is an avid moviegoer, and plays with her grandchildren.

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