Thursday, December 10, 2015

Academics and social skills, do they go together?

When navigating the education system, applying for a job or even handling day to day activities you are constantly using your social skills whether you are thinking about it or not.  Social skills are important part of anyone's day whether in school or working, it is imperative to develop a high level of social skills to be successful in your everyday encounters.  With the need to manage social nuances throughout the day it is helpful to remind our children/students/teens and even adults of helpful tips for improved skills in the social world we live in. 

In an article written by Michelle Garcia Winner, founder and CEO of Social Thinking she discusses social thinking as important to teach as academics.  Check out her article and read on about studies showing that higher social skills lead to highly productive lives. 

Check out Michelle Garcia Winner's article here:Social Learning Affects Life Outcomes: So why call it Non-Cognitive?


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