Monday, March 12, 2012

Foster Youth Programs In Jeopardy-Please Help By Contacting Your Legislators

The following letter has been created by James C. Wogan, MFT, LCSW-Administrator of School Linked Services, Mt. Diablo Unified
Foster Youth Services, Homeless Outreach Program for Education, and Positive Behavior Team explaining the crisis that Foster Youth Services Core Programs will be in if the Governor includes these programs in the "Weighted Pupil Formula." There is a link at the end to download and personalize this letter for you to send. There is also a link to a search for the legislators in your area. Thank you.

Dear California Legislators,

We are writing you to express our strong opposition to including Foster Youth Services Core Programs in the California Budget “Weighted Pupil Formula.” If Governor Brown’s proposed budget is approved, valuable Foster Youth Services Programs will effectively be eliminated, impacting thousands of foster children in California. We are asking for your support in protecting these valuable targeted programs.

Foster youth in California:
There are approximately 56,000 foster children in California. Traumatic histories of abuse and neglect compounded by frequent changes in foster care placements contribute to a high incidence of school failure and negative behaviors in the classroom and larger school setting. Foster youth have significantly higher rates of absenteeism and disciplinary referrals than their peers; are more likely to perform below grade level (75% perform below grade level); are about twice as likely to be held back in school (83% are held back by third grade); drop out of school nearly twice as frequently (50% obtain a high school diploma) attend a four-year college at a significantly lower rate (fewer than 3% do so). Foster children are found to need special education services and mental health services at a much higher rate than the general population

What are California’s Foster Youth Services Core District programs?
California’s Foster Youth Services program is a categorical program administered by the California Department of Education Foster Youth Services Statewide Coordinator. FYS Core District Programs are distinct from FYS programs at County Offices of Education; their unique position within school districts leads to direct services and programming for foster youth that is not available anywhere in California. The Governor’s proposed budget would effectively repeal the legislation that established FYS programs and replace it with new “trailer bill” language that no longer mandates funding for FYS Core District programs. Core District FYS programs effectively serve foster youth and ensure compliance with California legislation such as AB490 and AB167. FYS Core programs target assistance for special populations, such as LGBTQ foster youth, who are at three times higher risk to attempt suicide than the general population. Social workers often place foster youth in districts where FYS programs exist specifically because of the level of support that is available. By providing tutoring, mentoring, counseling, assessments, and transition services to foster youth and working collaboratively across local public and community agencies, foster youth do substantially better in school and are better prepared to exit the child welfare system as adults.

What will the impact of the Governor’s proposed budget be?
If new legislation and proposed budget is approved, school districts will no longer be obligated to spend money to serve foster youth and may use these funds to balance the district budget. Over the course of the next six years, the funding from eliminated FYS Core Programs will be distributed to school districts throughout California according to the number of English Language Learner and Economically Disadvantaged students. School districts where FYS programs exist currently have the highest level of accountability for foster youth educational outcomes in the State of California. School districts where FYS programs exist will no longer be held accountable for the educational outcomes of foster youth. Furthermore, the program model for identification of foster youth , service delivery, and accountability will be lost if FYS programs are eliminated. Please do not vote to allow for funding reduction and redirection that will result in loss of support for foster youth.

Why should California’s Foster Youth Services programs be preserved?
Without a Foster Youth Service Program, individual foster children will not receive the education services and supports they require to succeed in school and will therefore move into restrictive special education placements (such as Level 14 residential facilities) face expulsion, fail classes, and drop out of schools. The vast majority of school districts do not have systems in place to identify and serve students in foster care. The Mt. Diablo FYS program established a centralized foster youth identification system, co-chairs an interagency System of Care Policy Council, and established strength-based student support systems at district schools called “Coordinated Care Teams.” Mt. Diablo FYS has supported surrounding districts to replicate these systems in school districts in Contra Costa County and Alameda County. FYS Core programs have also helped to roll out Foster Focus, an educational database for foster youth developed by the Sacramento Office of Education FYS program. School districts need support from other school districts as well as county offices of education and the California Department of Education. FYS programs ensure that child welfare agencies and courts have the information they need to fulfill state and federal mandates in terms of education and the involvement of educational rights holder (often biological parent) in the child’s education. The technical assistance, tracking, programming and service delivery models to support foster youth will be eliminated. Existing legislation should not be repealed in order to redirect funds to other “at risk” students. Please remove Foster Youth Services Core programs from the Weighted Pupil Formula.


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