Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Disability Rights California -Client Assistance Program - CAP

Disability Rights California now offering the Client Assistance Program (CAP) for people looking for help in resolving their issues with the Department of Rehabilitation
On January 1, 2012, Disability Rights California began providing services under the Client Assistance Program (CAP), serving as a vital link between the California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) and the disability community. CAP provides advocacy to persons with disabilities who are seeking or receiving vocational rehabilitation (VR) services from DOR. CAP advocates are independent advocates for DOR clients and client applicants.

DRC is committed to providing effective CAP services and believes that having a single contractor will ensure consistency of services throughout the state and effective referrals of consumers with other legal issues to our other advocates and attorneys. While the CAP advocate will respond to Rehabilitation Act service questions, other issues or concerns can easily be directed to staff working in other protection and advocacy programs, thus ensuring that consumers’ questions can be addressed at one time, resulting in more effective advocacy for the consumer.

CAP was established to improve communication and help resolve issues between clients and vocational rehabilitation counselors and DOR staff. CAP also helps clients understand the rehabilitation process and the benefits available under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. CAP’s role is to provide information about benefits available under the Rehabilitation Act and to assist clients with understanding their rights and responsibilities in relation to receipt of these benefits. Additionally, CAP’s role is to ensure that clients’ rights are protected under the Rehabilitation Act.

Read more on the DRC website HERE.

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