Monday, January 2, 2012

Community Agency Highlights- Interview with David Rowntree – Scoutmaster of Special Needs Boy Scout Troop 1994

What does your organization do for children of special needs?

Our unit, Boy Scout Troop 1994, is a place for boys to learn outdoor skills, practice living skills, learn how to be a leader, and socialize with others at the same time. Our goal is to have a place where each boy can succeed.

How can a person access your services (i.e. fees, application process, eligibility, ages, etc.)?

We have monthly dues of $5. Outing expenses are the responsibility of the youth and any adult attending. We are open to those 10 ½ and up.

How does your program support social interaction among all children, typically developing and with special needs?

Social interaction is encouraged through eating meals together, game playing, youth leadership, and presentations, when ready.

Can you tell us what events/activities are happening this year?

See attached 2012 Troop calendar HERE.

Any suggestions for other community supports for parents to check out?

Girls might want to inquire about their program by contacting San Francisco Bay Council, Girl Scouts.

What have you found most rewarding working with the Boy Scouts?

Watching the boys grow into taking responsibility for their program, learning to interact with adults and peers in an appropriate way, and maturing to give back to others.

What is your favorite activity?

Traveling and teaching skills to others.

Contact information:

Dave Rowntree

1 comment:

Denise Lambert said...

My apologies to Mr. Rowntree for mispelling his name in the original post.