Monday, November 15, 2010

Leo's iPad Apps for Kids with Autism

Leo's iPad Apps for Kids With Autism Starter Kit Expanded descriptions below
Stories2Learn - $13.99 - Create custom social stories, using your own photos, text, and voiceover
iCommunicate - $29.99 - An AAC app: create icons with custom text, audio, and voice-over, incorporate them into storyboards.
First-Then Visual Schedule** - $9.99 - Create digital visual schedules with several format options
Look in My Eyes - $2.99 - Motivate your child to look people in the eyes
iEarnedThat - $1.99 - A puzzle-based reward system that uses custom images
ShapeBuilder - $.99 - An errorless learning puzzle game
Whizzit 1-2-3 - $.99 - Practice 1:1 correspondence/counting, with fun balloon-popping breaks
FirstWords* - $4.99 - Spelling in an error-free environment, reading
iWriteWords* - $2.99 - Guided handwriting with a really fun, reinforcing interface
FruitMemory - $.99 - Concentration, turn taking, scalable, fun, cute!
Supernova - $.99 - Practicing iPad pinch-and-expand motions
DrawFree - $ Free - Magnadoodle-like simple drawing app
DrawWithStars - $.99 - Animated drawing and methodical erasing app
Faces iMake* - $1.99 - Fun, free-form collage making
TappyTunes* ** - $1.99 - Tap out your favorite songs (note: text-based interface)
Fruit Ninja - $6.49 - Because my boy deserves to play! Fun, very simple swipe-based interface

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