Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Get to Know Your District Series: Meet Program Specialist Samantha Espinosa

1. Description of the job and responsibilities:

Samantha Espinosa is Program Specialist, Bridge Program Administrator and Workability Coordinator.

Program Specialists role is to help support site staff with problematic situations, facilitate communication between site and district, answer questions or find answers. As Bridge Administrator Samantha supervises staff of the Bridge Program, it is a program for 18 – 22 year old students with severe disabilities. Her role as Workability Coordinator supervises the staff that provide assistance in planning and implementing services leading to successful student transition to employment.

2. What inspired you to work in this profession?

Samantha has always wanted to help others and make a difference, Special Education has provided her many opportunities to do that.

3. What is your professional goal?

To be the best at what I do, to keep growing and learning.

4. What do you like best about your job?

The best part about my job is being able to see the positive effects of my actions on the students, I love to see them smile when it finally clicks or they feel like their needs are being met.

5. If you could change anything about your job/services you provide, what would it be?

Clone myself so I can be in multiple places at once or so I can truly multi-task.

6. What is your contact info?

Phone: (925) 798 – 1299
Email: espinosas@mdusd.k12.ca.us

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