Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This coming Wednesday, May 6, is Legislative Information Sharing Day.

One day each year, Community Advisory Committees (CACs), school board members, community members and staff from Special Education Local Planning Area (SELPAs) from across California go to the state capital en masse to participate in face-to-face meetings with our legislators and their staff.

This is a great opportunity for us, not only to share our thoughts on upcoming legislation, but to remind our elected officials of the importance of special education, the people their legislation affects, and the practical impact of their votes.

Mt Diablo has a team of parents and administrators who have been studying the issues and are ready to speak up for our students and their needs. Just a couple of issues that are on the table are:

AB1430 - would require school districts to have nurses administer all prescription medication taken on campus

AB1124 - would provide a "stay put" where there is service or placement disagreement when students move from early start into the school system

AB661 - would implement recent settlement agreement to fund behavior plans and supports.

AB1538 - would limit physical restraint and seclusion

Education is a hot topic now. What would you say to your legislator? Let us know! We will make your voice heard.

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